WRN help links



Renting a home in Manitoba: an easy-to-read resource booklet.


Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO)  is a non-profit organization that acts as an umbrella organization for settlement service providers in Manitoba.  MANSO acts as a voice for the Manitoba settlement and integration sector, as well as supporting members through communication, networking and professional development activities.


ENTRY Program provides settlement orientation, educational classes that help new immigrants adapt to change and overcome barriers to a good quality of life.   Located at
Unit 400-259 Portage Ave.  Phone:
(204) 944-0133. 


Immigrant Centre Manitoba  is an immigrant serving non-profit agency dedicated to providing a wide range of client-responsive services and programs that support and facilitate the integration of immigrants to Manitoba. Formally the International Centre, the Immigrant Centre offers settlement services, employment services, career mentorship, adult education services, a language bank and translation services, volunteer services, nutrition classes, citizenship classes, and outreach services.  Located at 100 Adelaide Street.  Phone (204) 943-9158. Email.


Welcome Place (Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council Inc.) assists newly arrived refugees and refugee claimants by providing settlement, sponsorship, in-Canada protection, and volunteer services. They also provide temporary housing and help newcomers find places to live.  Welcome Place is located at 521 Bannatyne Ave. Phone: (204) 977-1000. Email.


Manitoba Refugee Sponsors (MRS) is a coordinating body that: Exchange information about how best to sponsor refugees; clarifies issues that affect the settlement of privately sponsored refugee newcomers; advocates on behalf of privately sponsored refugees; promotes activities that support sponsoring groups.  MRS is coordinated by the Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council.  Email.


New Journey Housing is a new resource centre which has been established to
train and assist newcomers and those who support them, through the process of
attaining and retaining decent affordable housing in Winnipeg.  Training and assistance are provided in the areas of rental and home ownership.  New Journey is located downtown and is a non-profit resource centre for newcomers
and those who sponsor, support and house them.  Address:
200-305 Broadway.  Phone: (204) 942-2238.  Email.


Newcomers Employment and Education Development Services Inc. provides accessible services and support to immigrant and refugee children and youth and their families through the N.E.E.D.S. Centre.  N.E.E.D.S. was created by immigrant and refugee women for newcomers to Canada.  These women developed the programming based on their own personal experiences, needs assessment and realistic expectations.  N.E.E.D.S. also has specific programming for war-affected refugees and immigrants.  Located at 251-A Notre Dame Avenue.  Phone: (204) 940-1260. Email.


L’Accueil Francophone, a Francophone immigrant settlement agency, was created by the Societe franco-manitobaine (SFM) in December 2003. As its name indicates, its mandate is to facilitate the settlement and retention of French-speaking immigrants and refugees who come to the community and the province.  Located at
190 Avenue de la Cathédrale.  Ph. (204) 975-4250.   Email.


Pluri-Elles (Manitoba) offers a range of community based resources and services intended to meet the linguistic and cultural needs of the francophone community. French language counselling and related services are provided to women and children who have experienced violence. Other programs include orientation workshops for new Canadians whose first language is French.  Located at 570 rue des Meurons.  Phone: (204) 233-1735. Email.


Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba Inc. (IRCOM) is a not-for-profit agency that offers a host of services to newcomer families, including post-initial settlement, transitional housing, education and recreation programs for children, youth and adults, English as a Second Language tutoring, referrals, and community-based crime prevention. IRCOM operates out of a five-story apartment building in downtown Winnipeg called IRCOM House.  IRCOM House is an apartment building opened on January 1991 to provide an alternative and supportive form of housing to newcomers to Canada in their first year of residence.  Located at 95 Ellen Street. Phone: (204) 943-8765.  Email.


Neighbourhood Immigrant Settlement Workers.  There are approximately 8 Winnipeg neighbourhoods that have Neighbourhood Immigrant Settlement Workers. They provide settlement information and orientation to newcomers, connect newcomers with programs and services, host special events for newcomers to meet their neighbours and promote public awareness about Immigrant issues.


Immigrant Women’s Counselling Services (Nor West Health).  Support for Immigrant and Refugee Women.  Services Include:  A safe place for Immigrant / Refugee women to meet and to support one another in solving their problems; Confidential, non-judgmental support service to immigrant / refugee women who have been or are being battered; Culturally appropriate programming;  Accessible, downtown location close to all bus routes;  Free programs, services and advocacy.  Located at
785 Keewatin St.  Phone: (204)


Holy Names House of Peace.  Offers a quiet space for prayer, meditation and reflection, and counselling. Has 5 rooms available that provide transitional housing for immigrant and refugee women.  Phone: (204) 942-5535. Located at
211 Edmonton Street. Email.


Immigration (Province of Manitoba)


Citizenship and Immigration (Government of Canada) Information on the
Resettlement Assistance Program and the
Immigration Loans Program.


Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Government of Canada)


The Canadian Council for Refugees is a non-profit umbrella organization committed to the rights and protection of refugees in Canada and around the world and to the settlement of refugees and immigrants in Canada. The membership is made up of organizations involved in the settlement, sponsorship and protection of refugees and immigrants. The Council serves the networking, information-exchange and advocacy needs of its membership. Email.


English as an Additional Language (EAL)


ENTRY Program: Language and Orientation for Newcomers.  If you have lived in Manitoba for less than 3 months, you can register for the Entry Program.  The program is an introduction to English and living in Manitoba and is a good first step for learners that plan to attend regular EAL programs.  It is a free program that runs for 4 weeks.  You will receive information about living and working in Manitoba, and you will receive a CLB assessment so you can register for future English programs.  Location: 4th floor, 259 Portage Avenue.  Phone:  (204) 944-0133. Email.


Mosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network has English classes that are family-friendly, and newcomers learn the language they need to take care of their families.  Classes are 2 or 3 mornings a week.   All classes include child minding for children 3 months – 5 years old.  Child minding provides children with a chance to learn English and get ready to start school.  Location:
101-583 Ellice Avenue.  Phone:
(204) 774-7311.  Email.


Phone the Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre to make an appointment with a language assessor.   The language assessment simply tests what you can do in English. You do not need to study.   After the assessment you will be referred to the English program that is best for you.  Phone:  943-5387.

For other English as an Additional Language programs click here.



Success Skills Centre is a community-based, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the recognition of the skills, training, education and knowledge of immigrant professionals and skilled workers, leading to workplace participation related to their credentials. The Centre works exclusively with professional/skilled immigrants who have had their education and experience from outside of Canada.  Located at 440 – 500 Portage Avenue.   Phone: (204) 975-5111.  Email.